Divya Prabhandham Kundanthai
ThiruMazhisai Azhvaar in Praise of Kudanthai Lord
Kaalgal Nonthavo, Nadunga Nyaalam Enamaai Idantha Mei Kulungavo, Ilangu Maal Varaichuram
Kadantha Kaal Parantha
Kaaveri Karai Kudanthaiyul Kidantha Vaaru Ezhunthirunthu Pesu, Vaazhi Kesaney…(812)
This is a
sweet(alluring) song of Thirumazhisai and the sleeping posture of Lord Saarangapaani brings out the best in him.
asks the reason for the tiredness of the Lord – Is it because he has walked a great distance- or Is it because his body
is aching. He asks the Lord residing on the banks of the Cauvery to say a word or two.
So happy was the Lord with
this song of Thirumazhisai that he turned and raised his head slightly in the direction of ThiruMazhisai. Hence one finds
the Lord at Kudanthai in a reclining posture, with the head slightly raised( a posture that one does not find anywhere else)