Thirukudanthai NammAzhvaar Paasuram
NammAzhvaar's praise of Thiru Kudanthai Aaravamudhan
Aaraa Amudhey, Adiyen Udalam, Ninbaal Anbaaye Neeraai
Alainthu Karaya Udukinra Nedumaaley
Seer-Aar Sennel Kavari Veesum Sezhu Neerth ThiruKudanthai
Er-Aar KolamThigazhk
Kidanthaai Kanden Emmaney- 3418
My Lord, I have fallen in love with you- one who is residing by the Cauvery
river side amidst all the cool breeze that hits from the fertile paddy fields. I have been taken in by your resplendent beauty
as I see your beautiful reclining posture at Thiru Kudanthai, not seen any where else.