Kudanthai Chakrapani Koil
The Only Temple in India exclusively dedicated for Chakrathazhvaar Chariot
Festival on Maasi Magam (March 9) is a special feature at this temple
One of the three historical Perumal
Koils located in the heart of Kumbakonam is the Chakrapani Koil, where Lord Vishnu is said to have appeared before the Sun
God, cooled his over heated state and brought him out of his arrogant behaviour.
Chakrapani koil is about a kilometre
West of Saarangapani Koil and North- West of Ramaswamy Koil
While there are several temples with prominent Sannidhis for Chakrathaazhvar
(ThiruMogur is one-Srirangam is another), this is the only Vishnu temple exclusively for Chakrathaazhvaar.
Lord Chakrapani
is seen with 8 hands, each holding a weapon. Chakrathazhvaar, who has 3 eyes, is also called Trinethradhari.
The story Once upon a time, the
rishis found it difficult to undertake their penance at this place as they were continuously troubled by Asura Jalanda. Around
the same time, the Sun Lord’s heat in this region was becoming unmanageable. When asked the reason for this over heated
state, the Sun Lord replied in an arrogant tone that he was the only source of light and heat and it was his choice to decide
the intensity.
The rishis undertook penance at this place invoking the blessings of Lord Vishnu to save them, both
from the asura and the heat.
Answering their prayers, Lord Vishnu appeared here and hurled the chakra in his right
hand to kill the Asura. This chakra was said to have had the power equivalent to several times the Sun’s rays.
Sun God goes into hiding Seeing
the powerful Chakra swirl from the hands of Lord Vishnu, a threatened Sun Lord went into hiding. A worried Devas came down
in a large group here and requested Lord Vishnu to give back the powers of the Sun God so this place could receive the sun
rays again.
Realising his folly, the Sun God too came out from his hiding, invoked the blessings of Lord Vishnu here
and apologised for his arrogant behaviour. In memory of this event, the Sun God performed special poojas for Sudarshana Moorthy
on Maasi Magam.
Maasi Magam- Chariot
Festival The Lord goes out on a chariot procession around the four streets on this day. On this same
day- Maasi Magam- Theppotsavam takes place at the Saarangapani Koil. An interesting feature is that the Maasi Magam day is
celebrated across all Saivite and Vishnu temples here in Kumbakonam, making it an important festival for this temple town.
This year(2009), Maasi Magam falls on March 9 (Monday).
seen with Sudarshana Valli
To prevent the possibility of this place becoming over heated again, Sudarashanavalli
Thaayar is seen alongside Chakrathazhvaar (while normally one sees Vijayavalli Thaayar next to Chakrathazhvaar). There is
a separate sannidhi for Vijayavalli Thaayar.
Kshetram As the Sun God asked for Saranagathi and regained his full powers, this place is referred
to as Bhaskara Kshteram.
5 different
kinds of Poojas Inside the sanctum, one finds Brahmma, Agni, Ahirbadri Rishi, Goddess Mahalakshmi and
Sun God, each of whom is said to perform 5 different kinds of poojas for Lord Chakrapani every day.
Devotees Wishes Fulfilled Entering this temple is said to provide positive energy for
devotees who pray with sincerity. Just undertaking a simple Prathakshanam around the Perumal and Thaayar Sannidhi is believed
to fulfil all the wishes of the devotees.
Sudarshana Homam, Thirumanjanam and Sahasranamam Archanai are special at
this temple. Gothumai Payasam is a speciality at the Chakrapani temple
Chariot Festival on Maasi Magam 10 day Brahmotsavam in Chitrai along with
Sarangapani Lord Pavitrotsavam in Aavani Theppotsavam on Vaikasi Pournami
Facts Moolavar: Chakrapani seen with Sudarshana Valli Thaayar : Vijaya Valli(Separate Sannidhi)
Time :
7am-12noon and 430pm-9pm
Contact: Soundara Raja Bhattar@ 94863 10896
How to reach the temple Auto from
Kumbakonam Bus Stand /Railway Station will cost about Rs.40 -50/-. Auto from Sarangapani or Ramaswamy Koil will cost about
Where to Stay Green
Park/ Hotel Aditya(Within a Km of Saarangapani Koil) Retiring room in Kumbakonam Railway Station